As the dog days of summer turn into the over-scheduled days of September, it’s important to establish healthy habits that will keep us energized, focused, and balanced... And that's why this fall, we're inviting you to fall in love with your health!
Here’s how we’re greeting the season at Eat Well: We’re busy preparing our new fall menu, including several new Whole30 meals that we released this week. All season long, we’ll be sharing ways to not only celebrate the flavors of the season, but ways to keep your body, mind, and spirit healthy, happy, and strong.
Ready to get started? Us too! Check out insight from three members of our Eat Well team members as they reflect on their favorite ways to stay happy and healthy all season long.
Celebrating Fall Flavors with Alyssa McCord, Marketing Director

Q: According to Starbucks, it’s pumpkin season! What fall flavors are you most looking forward to?
A: I’m not going to lie, I LOVE all things pumpkin spice! But I try to steer clear of sugary drinks whenever I can, so I usually just add some pumpkin spice into my coffee grounds pre-brew in the morning and it makes my coffee taste like fall! I also love pumpkin seeds - they add a super flavorful crunch to fall salads.
Q: September is being called the new January - a time to reset our health and fitness priorities and get back on track. You’ve done a Whole30 before - would you recommend it for someone looking to clean up their diet?
A: I would absolutely recommend it. Whole30 changed my life, to say the least. My favorite thing about it is that it’s not a diet - it’s simply a 30-day reset to give your body a chance to get rid of any bad stuff that may be lingering in your system, and tell you what kind of food makes it feel (or not feel) its best. As you head into the holidays, which are inevitably full of less-than-healthy foods, it’s the perfect way to start things off on the right foot. Fun fact: Eat Well is actually the only licensed meal prep partner of Whole30 that's local to Nashville! (Check out our Whole30-approved meals here!)
Fall Fitness with Yasar Chaudhary, Co-Owner and COO

Q: Fall is a season of change. Are you planning to mix up your workouts as the weather cools down?
A: Absolutely. I usually work out inside during the hot summer months. In the fall, I like to mix it up by taking my workouts outside! I love finishing my workouts with a long run while it's chilly, and a really good playlist. The weather in Nashville is almost always perfect for a cool-down run, especially at night.
Q: Football season can make some of us rather sedentary on Saturdays and Sundays (and Mondays and Thursdays)… What are some ways to stay active while watching the game?
A: Running around the couch in circles every touchdown TCU gets! But seriously, my best tip is to plan to get a workout in before the game starts - preferably outside. Especially if you plan on staying in all day to watch game after game. You can also do squats or jumping jacks, or even a football-themed workout during commercial breaks - anything to get your legs moving and blood pumping!
Practicing Self-Care with Sarah Mason, Community Manager

Q: Fall is a season of change, productivity, and excitement. How do you ensure that you’re taking care of yourself during this busy time?
A: I actually make a point to set aside time for self-care in my calendar: I schedule workouts, yoga classes, time with friends, and even downtime. If I have a particularly busy week, I try to have a lazy day (aka: Netflix binging and a cuddle session with my dog, Cooper!) on the weekend to recuperate. It’s so important to take breaks throughout busy times, instead of waiting until you burn out to start taking care of yourself.
Q: You have ten minutes between meetings at work, and you’re feeling a little overwhelmed. What’s something you can do to regain your balance?
A: I love taking walks outside, totally unplugged, preferably with a cup of herbal tea - chamomile and white teas are both great for promoting calm! Fresh air and a little movement are great for releasing any anxious energy.