3 Last-Minute Healthy New Year Resolutions

3 Last-Minute Healthy New Year Resolutions

2018 has been in full swing for a few days now, and undoubtedly, a lot of resolutions have already failed. Whether it was New Years Day brunch or the large iced vanilla latte and pastry you grabbed rolling back into work the day after, you are not alone if your resolution to be a healthier you failed as soon as it began. Nevertheless, my favorite thing about a new year rolling around is that the whole month of January basically feels like a fresh start - and it's never too late to commit to making a few more manageable healthier choices that are not only easy to stick to for longer than a week, but can lead to a whole year of a healthier, happier you. Ready for a change? These are 3 of my favorite healthy choices that you can easily make in the new year to help you kickstart your commitment to being healthier and happier in 2018. Give them a try and let us know what you think! Reset your digestive system + fall in love with natural food. My belief that diets don't work comes from personal experience. I've tried every diet under the sun and let me tell you something... They don't work, and it's because they're diets - not lifestyle changes. What actually works? Changing your habits. Processed, sugary food is extremely addicting, making dieting and changing your habits harder than it should be. One of the quickest ways to break that addiction and force yourself to develop healthier habits is by resetting your digestive system. Rid your body of toxins, reintroduce fresh, natural food, and let your body tell you what it really wants and doesn't want. My personal recommendation: give Whole30 a try! It broke my soda and sugar addiction, taught me more about healthy food than I could have imagined, and helped me develop a healthy lifestyle leading to losing 65 lbs in less than a year. Learn more about Whole30 here and check out our Whole30 menu here! Whole30 not your thing? Ramp up your reset with a supplement designed to help your body detox, like this all natural 15-day cleanse. Break up with processed food. Don't get me wrong; I love a salty, greasy, crunchy bag of potato chips as much as the next person. Unfortunately, my body feels differently - and your body probably feels the same way too. Eating processed food leads to a whole slew of dangerous health problems like obesity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, and more. Scared yet? You should be. If you eat processed food regularly, I won't lie: breaking up with it will be tough. While Whole30 is one of the best ways to detox and kick the habit, you can also start by cutting out one processed item a day and replacing it with natural, whole foods. My favorite healthy food hack: avoid eating anything that has ingredients you can't pronounce or easily find at Whole Foods or Turnip Truck. P.S. That's also why we always include nutritional information and an ingredients list for all of our all natural, freshly cooked meals that you can find on our menu :) Cut out sugary drinks. One of the biggest lessons I've learned throughout my health journey is how sugary drinks can totally destroy your body, even if you eat healthy food and exercise regularly. While it's a tough habit to kick (sugar addiction is real, y'all) because of how addicting sugar is, there are tons of healthier options to replace your favorite sugar drink. My favorites: Everly and La Croix. Replacing my afternoon soda with Everly has helped me maintain my blood sugar levels and avoid the inevitable post-soda sugar crash. Plus, it's created with all natural ingredients AND it's local company. You can even add one to your next Eat Well order here! And if you need a daily fizz fix like I do, La Croix is the way to go. Also made with all natural ingredients (and Whole30 approved!), it comes in TONS of flavors and you can even add some fresh fruit or coconut water to it to add some natural sweetness. Moral of the story: Even if you just make one tiny habit change a week, that'll lead to a year of healthier choices. It's not too late to make 2018 your healthiest, happiest year yet. Got your own tip to make 2018 happier + healthier? Share it with us in the comments!
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