Meal prep: You can’t live with it, can’t live without it… but what you CAN do is let us do it for you.
Here’s 5 reasons why:
1. No More Recipe Planning! Thats right, folks. Your Pinterest boards can make way for more vacation dreaming, inspirational life quotes, and cute pictures of babies and puppies. No more of those #PinterestFail recipes that waste time and money!
2. Sayonara, Supermarket! Avoid the hassle of long lines, overpriced ingredients, and your three year old having a meltdown because they can’t get what they want from the candy aisle. You. Never. Have. To. Go. There. Again.
3. Get Your Weekend Back! Sundays should be for family, football, and relaxation. Ditch spending your entire day off in the kitchen and start doing literally anything other than cooking.
4. “I Really Love Doing Dishes” … Said No One Ever. Let’s be honest: the worst part about doing meal prep yourself is the mountain of dishes that comes along with it. Work smarter, not harder.
5. Spice Up Your Life! Unless you’re Bill Murray, no one wants to eat the same thing every day. Ability to choose from more than 1,500 Eat Well combinations each week? Yes please!
And if you're still not convinced .... Use SOHUNGRY10 at checkout to try one of our meals for free and let the food speak for itself!